
Divorce Mediation

We Help Create a Road Map for Your Best Life.

“Discourage litigation. Persuade neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out that the nominal winner is often the real loser in fees, expenses, and waste of time.”


Divorce Mediation

If you and your spouse have children, property to divide, and you need help sorting out the details but would like to work together, mediation is a great option. 

Mediation is the least adversarial process to resolve conflicts.

Our team at DSNW can support you through our coaching and mediation services, which are designed to help you and your spouse remain amicable, and reach a mutually desired outcome for your divorce. Even in the friendliest cases, issues of contention almost always arise at some point during the dissolution process. Working with our team helps you understand your rights and sort through the details, so you can arrive at a settlement division that is acceptable to all.

We help you identify your goals, understand and ask for what you want and need, and negotiate from a place of power. As part of the mediation process, we will draft a detailed parenting plan and financial settlement agreement that will be functional for you and your family, now and into the future. At the end of our work with you, when you and your spouse have agreed upon the terms, your detailed settlement agreement documents will be drafted for legal enforceability and filed for judicial review.

Our approach is unique and differs from traditional mediation. We provide personal, in-depth coaching, along with mediation services, to help you understand your goals, and create an action plan for moving forward. Ours is a more holistic approach and increases the likelihood of a satisfying outcome for both parties and for your children, long-term.

Looking for Divorce Mediation for Couples and Parents… Learn More HERE.

DSNW provides you with:

  1. Education about the divorce process and your rights
  2. Help with getting organized and gathering financial documents
  3. Understand how to approach property division
  4. Understand how to approach an effective parenting plan
  5. Tips and suggestions for how to co-parent effectively now, and as your family grows
  6. Good for couples with children – we draft a detailed, customized, parenting plan that will grow with your family
  7. Good for couples with assets/property that needs to be divided – we carefully examine your family’s assets, and provide recommendations for options of property division
  8. We guide you towards a personal financial plan that will be functional for both parties, now and into the future 
  9. Good for couples who want to work collaboratively and cooperatively, while protecting their own interests

Let us help you!

If you need help, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you within one business day. If you prefer to talk, please feel free to call us.
Call : 425.329.6579

Email Us Mon–Fri 9 AM to 5 PM

Our Mission Statement

Personalized Strategy

We recognize that each divorce is different and carefully plan a custom strategy that is right for you and your situation, no matter what stage you are.


Our work together is sensitive, discreet and confidential, while we provide a customized, non-judgmental safe-haven keeping you focused and on task.

Save Time and Money

Our experience, wisdom, and compassionate leadership streamline and supports you through this painful process saving you time and money.

How We Help You

The Role of The Divorce Mediator

In divorce mediation, you and your partner make all of the decisions…. so what is the role of the divorce mediator in the mediation process?

A divorce mediator is there to guide you and your spouse through negotiations and find mutually agreeable solutions to all aspects of your divorce, from property settlement to child custody to spousal support to financial disputes. A divorce mediator is a neutral participant who acts as a facilitator.

A divorce mediator will help you and your spouse:

•    A divorce mediator will help you stay on topic. Often you and your spouse have years of history together… it is normal for anger and other negative emotions to seep into conversations. A mediator helps facilitate communication, provide guidance, and prevent you from devolving into arguments or petty discussions.
•    A divorce mediator will offer impartial information and opinions. It can be difficult to step back from your view of the situation or see an argument from the other person’s perspective. A mediator can help you understand how your spouse feels and help settle arguments that you and your partner have not previously been able to settle.
•    A divorce mediator offers ideas and possible solutions. An experienced mediator has seen hundreds of couples through this process, and can help you by offering you options that have worked for other families.
•    A divorce mediator provides a safe, neutral environment to discuss complex issues/concerns. It can be challenging to bring up sensitive topics, and even more-so with the partner you are separating from. Divorce mediation gives both people a fair chance to bring up challenging, painful subjects, and cultivate a healthy dialogue between you.


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