
Sustaining Your Children’s Welfare

Dad Supporting his Daughter in Seattle during Divorce | Divorce Strategies NW

Caring For Your Children During Divorce

As a parent going through a divorce, one of your biggest concerns is the impact of divorce on your children. Divorce is stressful on everyone in the family and divorce can impact children in very profound ways. It can be scary and confusing for children, and some children may blame themselves or worry their parent(s) may stop loving them. These are very real feelings and children need to feel heard.

It is important to advocate for your children and find the professional help they may need. Finding a healthy place for each family member to be recognized, and receive thoughtful guidance, tools and affirmation are crucial. Each person may need a variety of support, solutions and time to understand, process and heal from a divorce. Carefully respecting your children’s emotions, and helping them process feelings of grief, anger, loss, and confusion is essential during complex transitions. Connecting with your child and providing them with skilled support can have long-lasting impacts on their self-image, self-confidence, and understanding.

Providing Guidance and Support

Absence of this personal care and sensitivity can lead to internalized trauma, which can erupt with a variety of negative consequences. With the right guidance, personal care, and professional support, your children will recover more quickly and effectively from the effects of divorce. This valuable process can lead to you understanding and bonding with your child in ways that you never have before! Finding the right resources and experienced, convenient, affordable providers with whom your children feel comfortable sharing is essential, during the traumatic process of divorce and beyond.

Mom Supporting her Son in Redmond during Divorce | Divorce Strategies NW

Professional Care and Resources

The effects of divorce send ripples throughout the family system. For children, divorce is a very painful and confusing time. With distracted parents, children often have difficult questions, conflicted emotions, may behave irrationally and act out in unusual ways. We provide a framework for talking with your children— we recommend very specific do’s and dont’s during painful times of uncertainty and major family changes.

For high-conflict cases, professional care is even more crucial. We have diligently developed a specific network of local resources and experienced providers to help you and your family begin to heal from trauma and abuse, whether the need is acute or ongoing.

Our team will help you find the most appropriate support for you and your family. Our vetted lists of child care resources, local pediatric therapists, pediatric physicians, and support groups are an invaluable resource available to you. No googling required!

Most providers we recommend accept health insurance to cover (in large part), the services they recommend. We also offer wise counsel for working with DCS (Division of Child Support), for purposes of obtaining adequate child support, health insurance coverage and additional benefits that you may be entitled to receive.

Let us help you!

If you need help, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you within one business day. If you prefer to talk, please feel free to call us.
Call : 425.329.6579

Email Us Mon–Fri 9 AM to 5 PM

Our Mission Statement

Personalized Strategy

We recognize that each divorce is different and carefully plan a custom strategy that is right for you and your situation, no matter what stage you are.


Our work together is sensitive, discreet and confidential, while we provide a customized, non-judgmental safe-haven keeping you focused and on task.

Save Time and Money

Our experience, wisdom, and compassionate leadership streamline and supports you through this painful process saving you time and money.


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